Sunday, December 30, 2007

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year subscription

LE REAZIONI. Luigi Barbieri, portavoce dell’associazione «In orario»

Abbonamento annuale
opportunità poco Note

(Bresciaoggi Wednesday 19/12/2007)

Occasionally comes a good news for train commuters struggling with latecomers and often dirty.
"Keeping rates unchanged throughout 2008 is certainly positive," says Luigi Barbieri association "On time." Yesterday he met with the Regional Minister Raffaele Cattaneo, "that has got our approval for a decision which we consider appropriate." His anger, if anything, is that the 'tesserone' subscription including all the regional transport, is little known in Brescia despite the advantages it offers. "About 80 percent of people using it lives in the province of Milan - Barbieri says - and are especially invalids and pensioners, which will have a slight increase. " And remember that last September, when they took stock of the situation, "a regional subscription Brescia was used just a few, not so much because it is considered beneficial but it was unknown."
It continues to be. "For some time, however, we pass the voice - said the spokesman for In Time - and the number of commuters who choose it are increasing." He confesses that he has known "tesserone" last year, and until then spent over 120 euro a month to go to work. "Now it costs me 80 € or so - he says - and is a sin that we are few to take advantage. "
tells of a colleague who lives in Monte Isola, and "should not pay more than even the ferry, because all the regional transport are included in the price." In short, "use the integrated regional subscription is very interesting in the whole of Lombardy, 'says Barbieri. It sounds like the reflection
advice to people like him every morning to go to Milan for lavoro.MI.VA.

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Trains, buses and coaches to a thousand euro

THE OPPORTUNITY '. The subscription price only valid in the whole of Lombardy was not increased. But there are few commuters who take advantage

Trains, buses and coaches to a thousand euro
(Mimmo Varone, Brescia Today Wednesday, 19/12/2007)

commuters can save a lot. And in 2008 even more. But few people know, and do not take advantage. The Lombardy region will remain locked throughout the next year the annual and quarterly subscription prices reserved for those who traveled each morning to work within the region.
A recent decision of the Board provides that the annual subscription Formigoni integrated the 'tesserone, "will continue to cost € 999, and the quarterly (there are no other cuts) 250. The thousands of Brescia every morning moving from the city or province should know that to reach Milan quell'abbonamento includes all forms of regional transport, even surfing the Garda, and cut all other costs of transport.
For example almost "extreme", if one lives in Polaveno and must go to Milan for work can take the bus to Iseo, Brescia get to from here with the Northern Railway, and then reach Milan by Trenitalia. Once arrived in the capital Milanese can use subway, bus or tram to get to work. It 's all included in the "tesserone.
RENOUNCE costs a lot more. Without assuming a departure from Polaveno, just living in the hinterland citizen for having to pay € 43 per month subscription to Brescia Transportation for zones 1 and 2 (350 annual subscription) and other monthly € 79.50 inclusive of rail transport in Milan and Brescia-Milan. 122.50 against the euro are 83, "tesserone. That is, giving up an integrated regional subscription will spend € 50 more per month, which in a year come to 600 rounds.
Not cheap, yet many Brescia until now have given up the opportunity. According to Luigi Barbieri, one of the leaders of the commuters 'On time', the solution proposed by the Region "is little known in Brescia, even as it is not advertised, and is used especially in the province of Milan. " For the truth is not easy to buy, the "tesserone.
must make application to the region a month earlier, and then to wait for the card. Only then you can buy a subscription and begin to travel with the discount. But it's worth it anyway. Among other things, the quarterly subscription is just 250 €, and allows you to pay in installments at zero interest spending. Renewing it for the whole year is spent thousand euro, just one more year than the solution.
for 2008, then remain blocked even reduced subscriptions, reserved for retirees with no income limit. What year will continue to cost € 699 and the quarterly 199. The same resolution goes from 64 to 80 € the special price of an annual subscription for the disabled (19 to 20 € the quarter). On the other hand, raises the limit of 500 € Isee rights holders (from 12 000 to 12,500 € for pensioners from 16 000 to 16,500 € for the disabled.
"We have decided to maintain unchanged the annual and quarterly season tickets to encourage the ' public transport use by commuters - says the Regional Minister Raffaele Cattaneo E -. 'an important warning signal to the 75 000 Lombard who already benefit of subsidy. "He concludes with the" hope that more people can use this useful tool. "We must
dirlo ai PENDOLARI bresciani, che fino ad oggi sono rimasti all’oscuro di tutto.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Best Of Tacoma Brazillian Wax

packed train, travelers Trenitalia

(23/11/2007- L'Eco di Bergamo)

Treno affollato oltre l'inverosimile e mancanza di controlli: queste le critiche principali mosse dai comitati pendolari della linea Milano-Brescia al nuovo convoglio 2710 tra Verona e Milano sui binari dal 2 luglio scorso.
Un treno richiesto da tempo dai comitati di Brescia e di Rovato-Romano-Chiari che ferma anche nelle stazioni della Bassa di Romano e di Treviglio, e arriva prima delle 8 a Milano Centrale. Si tratta di mezz'ora di viaggio, mediamente, per i pendolari che salgono nelle stazioni di Romano e di Treviglio per arriving in the Lombard capital. By car, once you are on the Rivoltana at that hour of the morning, using the same time, there would not even the first round of Rivolta d'Adda.
"The train has 11 coaches always full - comment by the Committee of commuters Romano-Chiari-Rovato - and spend more time not seen the controllers for the tickets, but also to give greater security to travelers. We knew that our request for a new connection was established after years of waiting and gave us more in the train, which was immediately filled to the point that there are people standing. Many people rose to Brescia, then there are the stops of light and Rovato and when the train arrives in Rome seats very few are free, it is not in Treviglio plus one. "
Other travelers are complaining about the presence of beggars on the train carriages. Trains Tracks by these people are former inter with few stops, but always very crowded and Romano is the perfect station to get off a train arriving from London and set off once more after a few minutes of the Lombard capital, just changing track.
Meanwhile, in the coming days, until Nov. 30, the trains of the Milan-Brescia-Venice using the fast line quadrupling of Milano-Treviglio (disabled for now to those lines of Bergamo and Cremona) will be delayed by up to 5 minutes jobs that will be made in the last 10 giorni di questo mese tra Melzo e Treviglio, secondo avvisi pubblicizzati dalle FS.
C. C.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Used Mirror Medical Microscope For Sale

exasperated: "Milan-Treviglio, patience until June"

Allego Articolo del Corriere della Sera Lombardia di lun. 01/10/2007

( apri )