Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Black Mold Health Risks


For those wishing to have a dedication to my little book "Nightmares",
'll be at Comicon in Naples from 30 April to 2 May, as always with my friends
of Double Shoot. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dragon Ball Storyline

LOGS TO SOFT stuffed with lemon curd yogurt

This kind of dough I wanted to try some time, I do not think a croissant dough because of the lack of eggs and a fair component of butter, and specifically the buttery part is almost completely replaced by yogurt and also lends itself as a basis both sweet and savory fillings. I tried a fare il lemon curd e secondo me è stata una giusta scelta, il lemon curd in se per sè ha una’alta componente di uova e zucchero per cui non volevo un involucro troppo dolce, sono molto soddisfatta del risultato . La mattina a colazione erano ancora sofficissimi.
500 gr di farina 0

Mezzo panetto di lievito

250gr di yogurth

80 gr circa di acqua

50gr di burro

1 cucchiaino di zucchero ( per me quello di sale è inutile)

Sciogliere il lievito nell'acqua, yogurth e zucchero, aggiungere la farina and the rest and work by hand until it becomes elastic. Let rise in a warm and covered for at least an hour, when the dough is soft looking, take it slowly, I gently removed and spread out on a ledge to pull with a rolling pin.

Then choose the shape you want to give: in segments if you want to make classic croissants, I cut into a long rectangle about 25 x 35 cm, spread the lemon curd, without a single sausage tight and cut off logs.

Arrange in baking the logs, sprinkle a little sugar and let it rise for at least another half hour.

Bake for about 20 minutes at 170-180 degrees. LEMON CURD

100g butter 200g sugar

peel and juice of 3 lemons 1 teaspoon organic

starch 3 whole eggs + 2 yolks

I did in the Thermomix how can I keep the temp under control, if you do remember that in a double boiler should not exceed 80gradi otherwise the sauce will do the lumps that are not beautiful to behold and cooks too.

Melt the butter and sugar, add beaten eggs, skins and lemon juice and starch. Thicken until the cream is pretty smooth.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Waxing And The Tanning Bed

Campofilone macaroni with ham and lemon

macaroni These are the jewels of Italian pasta, versatile and sublime. A bit difficult to cook because they absorb a lot of the sauce and you have to do everything in complete sync. This recipe enhances my opinion the most of their flavor, try it, you will be amply satisfied.
Bon appetit!

250g of pasta Campofilone

2 lemons 80g of freshly grated Parmesan cheese 120 gr ham

2:00 to 3:00 tablespoons olive oil

Put oil in frying pan and add the ham into strips. You need not cook nor toast, simply turn pink, off after a few minutes of fire. Grate the zest of two lemons and without cleaning the grates, grattugiateci Parmesan. Gather the mixture into a bowl. Drain the pasta one minute from the end and put in baking pan with a little of the cooking water. Sprinkle with Parmesan and lemon peel and mix well and pour into the pot quickly. (I capellini of campofilone tend to cool quickly). Add plenty of black pepper and serve immediately reel.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Corner Lot Landscaping Ideas

Pizza - Growth - Torta Pasqualina

not call it cheese pizza for Easter because I could very well replace the classic gourmet cake instead you must fill, and it would do so only in the limited period Easter, even though there is plenty of eggs and cheese. This tasty cheese pizza is already his, and it also goes well with cold cuts better if our own, I do quite often especially when I organize buffet.

0 600 grams of flour 20g fresh yeast 200 ml water

50ml olive oil 2 eggs and 1 egg yolk 2
sugar 1 teaspoon salt pepper
plenty of reel
100 gr Pecorino Romano cheese grated parmesan
100gr / 200gr
grated Parmesan cheese mixed diced

Proceed place the flour and dissolve the yeast in the center in warm water and sugar.
Add all other ingredients except the diced cheese and let rise until doubled in a warm enough (keep in mind that the cheese adds to the mix and it takes at least 2 hours).
Remove the dough gently, add the diced cheese and more freshly ground pepper, place the mixture in an aluminum container with a round base and top, lightly oiled and put back to rise, say for at least one 'Oretta other. Bake in moderate oven rather
max 180oC for at least 45-50 minutes. If you see that the surface tends to darken too much, cover with cooking parchment paper wet and squeezed.