Saturday, April 10, 2010

Waxing And The Tanning Bed

Campofilone macaroni with ham and lemon

macaroni These are the jewels of Italian pasta, versatile and sublime. A bit difficult to cook because they absorb a lot of the sauce and you have to do everything in complete sync. This recipe enhances my opinion the most of their flavor, try it, you will be amply satisfied.
Bon appetit!

250g of pasta Campofilone

2 lemons 80g of freshly grated Parmesan cheese 120 gr ham

2:00 to 3:00 tablespoons olive oil

Put oil in frying pan and add the ham into strips. You need not cook nor toast, simply turn pink, off after a few minutes of fire. Grate the zest of two lemons and without cleaning the grates, grattugiateci Parmesan. Gather the mixture into a bowl. Drain the pasta one minute from the end and put in baking pan with a little of the cooking water. Sprinkle with Parmesan and lemon peel and mix well and pour into the pot quickly. (I capellini of campofilone tend to cool quickly). Add plenty of black pepper and serve immediately reel.


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