Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Is The Cost For Ergoline Beds

Fettuccine durum wheat to Ricotta and Sausage Linguine with zucchini flowers

Ingredients per person:
  • 80 grams of ricotta cheese 1 sausage
  • 2 or 3 tomatoes peeled
  • freshly ground black pepper or red pepper pleasure
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 80 grams of wheat noodles (without egg)

How are the noodles boil, prepare an olive oil sauté onion reduced light icing and how to pay fry the onion is peeled tomatoes crushing them and mash with a fork. Arrange it with salt and cook on fire support to form a sauce. Apart from the crumbled sausage making fry quickly in its own fat in a pan.

As the fettuccine is al dente toss quickly with sausage and ricotta cheese, resting on the bottom plate of the sauce obtained from tomatoes. Fresh pepper or freshly ground black pepper and chopped a few leaves of basil are the latest additions.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Letter That States I Am Renting A Room

Ingredients per person: three flowers

a pumpkin sage leaves
20 grammi di burro 
pepe nero macinato fresco
Parmigiano Reggiano

Mentre mettete le linguine a lessare in abbondante acqua salata aprite a libro i fiori di zucca e puliteli asciugandoli leggermente con uno strofinaccio.

In una capiente padella fondete il burro e come spumeggia saltateci i fiori di zucca a listerelle.

When the linguine is al dente boiled and fried quickly in a pan and sprinkle with black pepper and Parmigiano Reggiano. Chop coarsely
a sage leaves and serve immediately.
Dry white wine to accompany and ... good appetite.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Exotic Pets For Sale In Pa

Shell pastry with ricotta cheese and yogurt with orange love

Actually I wanted to eat the last can of black cherry jam, because the combination of cheese / sour makes me crazy and yet, alas, I discovered that I had finished everything. I was not sure of whether it is necessary to put a jam on the pastry base, but with hindsight I can say that there is needed because the cream cheese and yogurt has a flavor all its own good. A fresh and tart summer for me, hope you like.

for a pan 26-28 cm

prepared about 300 grams of pastry with your favorite recipe and roll out very thin


2 pots of yoghurt biolgici

400 g cheese

50 grams of flour 100 g sugar 2 eggs


Put in a saucepan over low heat content of the jars yogurt, sugar and flour. Heat up slowly and harden. Let cool and add the ricotta. Blend. Add the egg yolks and whisk the egg whites.

the base of the pastry shell spennallate jam to your liking (I had to sour and I put that bitter orange) and then pour the mixture of ricotta and yogurt. Add if you are the slats of almonds.

If you spread the pastry very thin, it takes about 30-40 minutes of cooking at 180-200 degrees, depending on your oven.