Friday, January 4, 2008

Good Faith Estimate Cover Letter

commute: the reality exceeds fiction

commute: the reality exceeds fiction
(12/29/2007, L'Eco di Bergamo)

Some time ago on the small screen had peeped out a daily strip that tells the existential adventures of a group of commuters. After a few episodes is finished in the tray, the script was probably deboluccio, certainly if authors had done a ride on commuter trains from Bergamo exit would be a super prize for fiction.
few grains of recent weeks, collected by e-mail received in the newsroom: the new "Vivalto (bullet train comfort) that, in addition to accumulate 20 minutes late on the 40 from Milan to Rome, traveling without heating in 1st class with the occupants to bring blankets and mulled wine. But trains out of the blue closed for technical reasons the race in Central Lambrate instead (thereby transhumance underground), compositions of the commuter trains that call "pre-war" with a "lights are both failures, so I know that the train is almost always straight, but if I travel on the highway (Straight too) without the lights on, I withdraw the license, "wrote a commuter-side Seriate Palazzolo. Then there are the jabs in Trenitalia to curare, or rather to "them", those "who decide to lengthen journey times without warning, who decide whether to cut your train of 25 percent, to make you travel by foot, cold , late. " But above all, "they who have the courage to say that customers want a service at the price of a Polish and German that we would pay for German as a service offering one of the third world ...». Like saying that before we talk about increases need to pass on the dead bodies of commuters. By the way, easy to find them standing, "because I did 12 years Scout, I slept in the mud and hard to shock me, but today I got sick and sat on the coach, "he writes of a commuter Bariano. To which a colleague asks Trenitalia furious "not to submit my report, even remove even the PC, handhelds and mobile phones to the leaders of the offices (in) competent. Maybe so stop fooling the Internet, you get up and maybe they will do their duty. " More: "Better yet, instead of submitting my report, submitted a complete set of buckets, mops, air fresheners and everything you need to clean the trains."
And maybe we will run away if any coach in addition, it would not hurt, because most of the recommendations in December riguardavano convogli a 6 vagoni invece che 8: «Avete presente le foto dei treni in India con gente aggrappata ai tetti dei vagoni? Beh, poco ci mancava...». Se poi ci aggiungiamo che «riscaldamento e luce si sono guastati da Seriate a Grumello, sì, al freddo e al geloooooo (influenze natalizie - n.d.r.) fino a Grumello». A proposito, sorvolando sui ritardi (che alla fine non sembrano poi la questione che fa più infuriare i pendolari) ci sarebbero «porte guaste per settimane, tutti i pulsanti guasti, annunci sbagliati, treni dati in ritardo che viaggiano puntualissimi». Per farla breve «le solite cose, insomma», domande che aspettano ancora risposte: «Sarei grata di un suo cortese cenno di riscontro per Information insane yesterday morning and last night's total disinformation. " Gentlemen, coach, you aside. Maybe. Nik


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