Saturday, July 10, 2010

Streaming With Subtitles

Suri / The fisherman's sugherelli

Ingredients for 4:
  • 150/200 g breadcrumbs
  • parsley
  • 4 heads of garlic
  • 1 / 1, 5 kg of horse mackerel / sugherelli
  • 2 dl olive oil extra virgin
  • a tablespoon of dry white wine 300 gr of pasta
  • type sleeved ribbed or smooth
  • reel of black pepper or red pepper pleasure rooms
Fillet the mackerel / sugherelli liberateli and thorns after gutted. You'll get a good clean meat from the plugs pecentuale affect fish divided into four, always following its central spine with a knife. With the crescent knife or a good beat and chop all the ingredients including the fish filleted and mix it with oil of oil poured over the wire to beat to create a sort of creamy sauce of bread crumbs. The picture taken does not make the chopped fully the idea but is a compound and simple at the same time coarse bread crumbs, garlic, parsley and fish reduced to brunoise end.
Put the mixture in a pan and cook over high heat capable live until almost dry bread crumbs. How do I dry the bread of the compound, sfumate con del vino bianco secco e lasciate evaporare l'alcool.
 Lessate in abbondante acqua salata la pasta e come al dente saltatela in padella con il pane grattugiato, l'aglio, il prezzemolo e il pesce a fuoco vivo. Regolate di pepe nero di mulinello o peperoncino, sale e olio crudo e servite immediatamente. Buon appetito.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Blistex Expiration Date

pallotte helmet and where - meatballs, cheese and eggs - cheese balls

La caciotta semistagionata per le polpette e per fiadoni è la protagonista assoluta di questo piatto. Le brave massaie (molto rare), vanno a rifornirsi nei caseifici di fiducia, se non addirittura dai contadini della zona che allevano ancora mucche autoctone da latte e che ti danno la possibilità di acquistare i propri prodotti.

Per chi invece ha solamente accesso agli acquisti nei supermercati  procuratevi  del formaggio misto  di  pecora e vacca o caciottine di buona qualità, per ottenere un piatto che viene presentato con orgoglio sulle tavole della festa da tutte le famiglie Abruzzesi.


500 gr di formaggio caciotta semistagionata o formaggio misto
7-8 uova
Filetti di pomodoro
sedano e cipolla
olio extravergine di oliva


well Grate the cheese and add the chopped parsley. Then gradually add the eggs until a homogeneous consistency is obtained by pressing and holding a bit. Form the meatballs and fry in hot oil. As they begin to make the first crust on the one hand, lower the heat and allow to dry and cook until they float in the oil and the sizzle stops.

Remove the oil used for frying but not entirely out of the pan, add the tomatoes with the chopped onion and some foglia di sedano. Cuocere il pomodoro per circa 10 minuti, quindi si immergono le polpette e si fa andare per altri 10 minuti. Le polpette tenderanno ad asciugare il sughetto e quindi voi versate un pochino di acqua di volta in volta perchè poi nel liquido dovete assolutamente pucciare/immergere/fare la scarpetta con il pane! Con questo sughetto di polpette, in molte famiglie c'è l'usanza di condirci anche la pasta! Buon appetito!


Monday, July 5, 2010

Monster Energy Machine

soup of San Benedetto del Tronto

Ingredienti per due persone:

  • 1 cipolla
  • 1/2 peperone
  • un cucchiaio di olio di oliva
  • una manciata di pomodori ben maturi
  • 1 kg of fish in season (in this case were: suri, mantis shrimp / crayfish, snails, crabs, testole, Zanchetta, sole and blue fish variety)
  • small crustaceans and molluscs
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • black pepper freshly ground / chopped chili pepper to taste
Comics - How did you clean the fish, left by the heads and spines larger. Put them in a pan with onion, celery, carrot and onion and a pint of water. Boil a fire claimed the comic for about 20-30 minutes and then strain.

soup - In an earthenware pan, prepare the sauce with onion left to fry in a tablespoon of olive oil. Put the peppers on the bottom in small strips, tomatoes, peeled and private seeds and begin to fix the fish harder and faster than those on cooking. Sprinkle with white wine and add the cartoon left out, cover. Among the fastest fish and the harder it takes about 30-40 minutes of cooking over medium heat. Serve immediately with the toasted bread slices.