Ingredients for 4:
- 150/200 g breadcrumbs
- parsley
- 4 heads of garlic
- 1 / 1, 5 kg of horse mackerel / sugherelli
- 2 dl olive oil extra virgin
- a tablespoon of dry white wine 300 gr of pasta
- type sleeved ribbed or smooth
- reel of black pepper or red pepper pleasure rooms
Fillet the mackerel / sugherelli liberateli and thorns after gutted. You'll get a good clean meat from the plugs pecentuale affect fish divided into four, always following its central spine with a knife. With the crescent knife or a good beat and chop all the ingredients including the fish filleted and mix it with oil of oil poured over the wire to beat to create a sort of creamy sauce of bread crumbs. The picture taken does not make the chopped fully the idea but is a compound and simple at the same time coarse bread crumbs, garlic, parsley and fish reduced to brunoise end.
Put the mixture in a pan and cook over high heat capable live until almost dry bread crumbs. How do I dry the bread of the compound, sfumate con del vino bianco secco e lasciate evaporare l'alcool.
Lessate in abbondante acqua salata la pasta e come al dente saltatela in padella con il pane grattugiato, l'aglio, il prezzemolo e il pesce a fuoco vivo. Regolate di pepe nero di mulinello o peperoncino, sale e olio crudo e servite immediatamente. Buon appetito.